Ridership Improvement
How can we accurately measure, capture, and improve paid ridership and travel demand data to optimize transit schedules and communicate effectively?
Applications closed March 3, 2025
Technologies may include but are not limited to solving the following use cases:
Tools to measure passenger loads on subways, commuter rail roads and buses, understand travel patterns, and optimize scheduling according to paid ridership demand
Tools to automate scenario planning and schedule adjustments with the ability to:
Incorporate an overlay of ridership data, train cycle changes, and loading profiles of trains
Optimize train assignments addressing operator shortages and labor constraints
Active traffic demand analytics and tools to aggregate event data and travel patterns at big venues, airports, and major transit centers to support scheduling, transfer, and traffic management changes based on demand
Bluetooth beacons to better understand customer flows within stations and inform how users navigate transit systems
Statistical analysis tools to evaluate how effective various bus lane treatments (e.g., curbside, offset, center/median-running, busways, etc.) are at improving bus and passenger travel times
Tools to reduce fare evasion including fare compliance tools to assist fare inspections
Tools to inform customers and internal staff of service changes, disruptions, crowdedness, and arrival times to optimize navigation of disparate transit systems (buses, subways, trains, paratransit, airports, transit hubs, etc.)
Drones and crowd sourced information to monitor traffic congestion, road hazards, and incidents along bus routes to empower field dispatchers to make data-driven decisions by integrating real-time road conditions, traffic patterns, and bus schedule projections.
Tools to provide accurate station arrival and train outage information by tracking status, speed, and location of trains via intelligence from track circuits/signaling system
Notifications, alerts, and other communication techniques enabling real-time personalized information about planned and unplanned service changes sent directly to customer and employee phones
Personalized wayfinding tools to help customers navigate disparate systems
Data joining tools to combine survey data with operational data to inform customer service response
Tools to identify, manage, and improve interoperability of various siloed data systems and communication between departments
Tools to systematically capture storm and flooding information to better understand how weather impacts service
JANUARY 13, 2025
Challenge Announcement
Challenges are announced based on transit agency leadership’s goals and priorities.
JANUARY 13 - FEBRUARY 27, 2025
Open Application
Growth-stage companies apply online, detailing evidence of product-market fit.
MARCH 2025
Evaluation Period
Public and private sector experts from transit and mobility sectors review applications.
APRIL 2-4, 2025 (NYC)
Semi-Finalist Pitch & Demo Day
Select companies are invited to NYC to pitch to a panel of private and public sector evaluators.
Select companies receive an invite to participate in an expo-style Demo Day aimed at exposure to a wider audience at MTA, PANYNJ, DOT, and NJT.
APRIL 14, 2025 - MAY 2, 2025
Preparation for Proof of Concept
Meet with agency project manager to define scope of work and discuss any administrative items necessary to conduct the proof of concept.
MAY 5, 2025 - JUNE 27, 2025
Finalist Proof of Concept
Proof of Concepts are launched, where a minimal viable test is conducted with the relevant transit agency.
JULY 9-10, 2025 (NYC)
Finalist Presentations
Finalists present findings to transit agency leadership in NYC.
NOVEMBER 2025-2026
Pilot Period Begins
Select companies engage in a pilot demonstrating technology at scale.
Information Session
RECORDED: JANUARY 31, 2025, 1:00 PM ET
Learn more about the Transit Tech Lab, the application process, and hear from transit agency subject matter experts.
PW: TTL2025!
Terms & Conditions
Please review our Terms & Conditions which govern participation in the Transit Tech Lab.
Access to decision makers
As an entrepreneur, your time is valuable. We understand that you need quick product feedback and access to customers. The Transit Tech Lab facilities introductions to decision makers and cuts through red tape.
Transparent structure
We enable testing with large, hard to reach public sector customers and provide a transparent structure with accelerated go/no-go decisions.
Scalable results
If you can make it in New York City, you can make it anywhere. Participating in the Transit Tech Lab gives your company global credibility to scale your product.